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Thursday, September 22, 2011

From BrainStorming to BrainDriving

An impressive application of cognitive science and robotics from the AutoNOMOS Labs of the Artificial Intelligence Group of the Freie Universität Berlin.


MadeInGermany controlled via the Emotiv EPOC Brain Machine Interface:
After testing iPhone, iPad and an eye-tracking device as possible user interfaces to maneuver our research car named “MadeInGermany”, we now also use Brain Power. The “BrainDriver” application is of course a demonstration and not roadworthy yet but on the long run human-machine interfaces like this could bare huge potential in combination with autonomous driving. For example when it comes to decide which way you want to take on a crossroad while the autonomous cab drives you home.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

PANORAMA 3D shape descriptor applied in medical image analysis

To my pleasant surprise, a study on medical image analysis drew my attention today that found particularly useful my earlier work on 3D shape descriptors for 3D shape matching, and in particular the work described within the paper "PANORAMA: A 3D shape descriptor based on panoramic views for unsupervised 3D object retrieval".

The respective work titled as "3D Shape Analysis of the Knee Extensor and Flexor Muscles in Patients with COPD using Mesh Projection-based Features", by Hengameh Mirzaalian, Ghassan Hamarneh, Bahareh HajGhanbari and W. Darlene Reid, used and extended the PANORAMA descriptor in order to match patients MRI of thigh muscles against a database of muscle instances.

Referring to their paper:
"In order to differentiate 4 individual thigh muscles in the healthy versus COPD groups, we first applied a state-of-the-art 3D shape descriptor; the WT-based shape descriptor proposed by Papadakis et al. [14] resulting in cylindrical projections. A comparison between the classification accuracies obtained by the aforementioned descriptors and the global shape descriptors by Ward et al. [20] and HajGhanbari et al. [10] shows that, averaged over all the 4 muscles, the WT-based shape descriptors outperformed the global shape descriptors."

"Although the presented descriptors were applied to differentiate thigh muscles, they might have a widespread application for other conditions and chronic diseases that result in muscle atrophy such as chronic heart diseases, AIDS, cancer, and osteoarthritis."

Although the development of PANORAMA aimed toward effective retrieval of generic 3D objects, it makes me proud that it could further serve the domain of medical image analysis.

I feel that this is the essence of good research, that is, to promote and develop tools and methods that assist humans and science in general in a cross-disciplinary fashion.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Robots Manufacturers

I assembled a draft list of robots manufacturers, quite popular within the robotics community as a reference for what is currently the market demand together with the respective products.

In time, i will try to keep this above list up-to-date and i would certainly appreciate your feedback.

I would distinguish the following prominent categories of robots:
  • Rescue Robots.
  • Military Robots.
  • Home Robots.
  • Service Robots.
  • Research Robots.
  • Entertainment Robots.
  • Space robots.
And i will finish this post, with perhaps the most famous robots song (and quite old).

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sebastian Thrun's talk on Google's driverless car

A demonstration of the potential of the applications of machine vision and robotics. The talk is given by Sebastian Thrun, pioneer in the field of robotics research.