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Saturday, January 11, 2014

VERSABALL; dexterous manipulation revisited

This post comes as a follow-up to the earlier post A custom-made robotic gripper where we saw how ingenuity and simplicity in robotics can provide state-of-the-art solutions, in this case when it comes to robotic grasping.

Empire Robotics, a start-up company from Cornell University has recently announced the commercialization of this idea with the name VERSABALL and is probably about to revolutionalize the concept of dexterous manipulation. VERSABALL is a low-cost gripper (around 4000$) that can grasp objects with diverse shapes, will little care about computing grasping affordances of the object. 

As can be seen from the video, it is very effective and agile and seems to be very well suited for home robots allowing them to pick up and manipulate common house-hold objects, even at the scale of coins!

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