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Saturday, January 25, 2014

First kick in WORLD CUP 2014, through mind-controlled exoskeleton?

As the titles suggests, this the provisioned plan for this year' s world cup in Brazil.  This is the goal of Brazilian neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis and his team, in the context of a project called "Walk Again".

Generally speaking, this is probably where the future of robotics resides i.e. actively assisting people' s lives and surpassing their natural barriers, rather than developing completely autonomous machines that replace humans.

Here' s a promo video of the corresponding work:

And so if that is going to happen next summer by a person, i believe that it will not be long before the idea of Special Olympics will take on a whole new model, or we will even witness a new concept in sports competition as a result of robotics technology. Too ambitious... ? Place your bets!

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